Big Badonkadonks Can Trigger False Alarms at Airport Security

Big butts might be triggering false alarms through airport security technology.

Haircare influencer Alyse Carolyn explains in a TikTok clip her “husband is a TSA agent”, and he told her “that people with blessed posteriors set off the X-ray machine more often than not.”

“If you’ve got a fat a–, the next time you go to the airport, please tell me [if] you set off the X-ray machine.”

A representatives from the Transportation Security Administration said, “TSA cannot verify the authenticity of claims made on TikTok without more context about the time and place where security screening occurred.”

“However, “I can verify that TSA’s on-person screening technology effectively screens diverse populations of travelers every day. During development, TSA on-person screening algorithms were trained to recognize body composition.” And butts can be key focal points during pre-flight check.

“You may be required to undergo a pat-down procedure if the screening technology alarms. “A pat-down may include inspection of … sensitive areas such as breasts, groin and the buttocks.”