If you’re feeling more fearful of flying lately, due to recent incidents, you’re not alone... but maybe you could try doing what a Florida did recently to make you feel better.
She blessed the plane, anointing it with oil before she boarded.
Desiree Salter was heading to Punta Cana a couple of weeks ago on JetBlue and as she boarded, she quickly did the blessing.
@desireesalter In Jesus name we pray… AMEN!! 🙏🏽 #JetBlue #airlines #flights #noweapon #thedevilisaliar #pastorkid #church #Prayer #churchtiktok #PuntaCana #blessed #covered
♬ original sound - Dontay Pitt
She did the same thing when she headed home.
@desireesalter Blessed & Covered in Jesus name ..AMEN!! 🙏🏽 Going HOME! #JetBlue #blessedflight #headedhome #BlessedOil #airlines #flights #noweapon #thedevilisaliar #church #Prayer #churchtiktok #PuntaCana #blessed #covered #domicanrepublic
♬ original sound - Dontay Pitt
Desiree’s first video went viral, getting almost 7 million views. People wondered where she got the oil she used... well, she explained in another video that her father is a pastor at a church...
@desireesalter Replying to @Ashira ♡ #christiantiktok #thedevilisaliar #noweapon #Prayer #blessedoil
♬ original sound - Desiree Salter
One comment on the above video was from a Jet Blue flight attendant, who thanked Desiree for the protection.