Hobbies That Men Enjoy . . . But Might Hide from Their Buddies

Do you know a guy who LOVES working on cars, but wants to keep it a SECRET from his buddies because it’s not “cool” enough? Probably not. But they MIGHT hide other, less “masculine” things. Ladies, if you ever wonder what a guy really wants, this might give you some insight.

Recently, Redditor u/ostayi asked men of the Reddit community to share the things they secretly enjoy and would never admit to their friends, here’s the best stuff we found:

1.  “I have stuffed animals and plushies from Squishmallow on my bed.”

2.  Another person said, “Cute stuffed animals.  Especially dinosaurs.”  (FYI:  These guys didn’t provide their ages.  Not judging or anything, just sayin’.)

3.  “I secretly love motivational quotes, but I’m too proud to admit that I have a notebook full of my favorites.”

4.  “Bubble baths.”

5.  “My wife and I watch every season of ‘Love is Blind’ on Netflix.  I love it.”

6.  “Sewing.”

7.  “Baking.”

8.  “I enjoy listening to boybands like the Backstreet Boys and ‘N Sync.  My friends are all into rap and that auto-tune stuff, which sounds horrible.”

9.  “I’m a 30-something, white, suburban dad . . . and I love raunchy pop music like Nicki MinajTaylor SwiftKaty Perry, and the like.  It’s always on my playlist when I’m alone.”  (T-Swift isn’t raunchy per-se, but you get the idea.)

10.  “I’ll admit I like romantic comedies.  And fruity cocktails.  I want my drink to taste good . . . and not like stale bread.”

11.  “Romance novels.”

12.  “Pedicures.”

13.  “I build Legos, play with my cat, and watch elephant, cat, and dog videos.”  (Elephant videos?)

14.  “Classical music . . . ‘The Lord of the Rings’ . . . working in the garden . . . and cartoons.  I’m sure my friends would be okay with all that, but I’m a general contractor, and there’s a stigma of rugged manliness attached to it.”