Men Are Least Likely to Cheat If They Work in These 3 Industries...

According to a veteran divorce attorney, men who work in three specific industries have the lowest propensities to commit infidelity.

Kate Simonds, an Arizona-based lawyer, went on to name accountants, pharmacists and farmers as the most faithful fellas in the workforce. She said,”I think you’re pretty safe with an accountant. I see a pretty common personality type. You should be pretty good with no cheating with an accountant. ”No. 2, pharmacists.”

“There’s no cheating in pharmacy — even the lovely Walgreens pharmacy.”

And, of course, the top spot belongs to Old MacDonald and his cohorts.

“If you are married to or in a relationship with a farmer, I predict no cheating will occur.”

As for her top five lineup of chronic cheaters — they include pilots, flight attendants, military men, bartenders and firefighters.