Mom Faces Backlash For Allowing Children to Use Pool As Bath? Is she wrong?

Imagine, you’re nine years old, its July, 95 degrees out, you jump into the neighborhood pool and swim around for a few hours with your friends, then you get out and go home, do you shower? Do your parents make you shower?

Well a mom in Colorado is facing the hot seat for saying that her kids don’t NEED to shower AFTER they use the public pool.

“The video, posted on Instagram by @neelysgracey, shows her two sons hanging by the pool and wrapped up in a towel by the pool.

The video text read, “Happy ‘the pool counts as a bath’ season to all who participate.”   The mother then captioned the video with, “Plz tell me I’m not the only mom who is celebrating.”

Comments included:

“Noooo wayyy man. Pool day means it is DEFINITELY a tubby night for my kiddos. So gross, chemicals, sunscreen, sweat, pee, salt, etc.”

“As a swimming instructor, wash your body and hair after swimming. It damages your skin and hair cells worse than anything. So dry and itchy!”

The itself has once again divided on this issue, with some parents defending her act, with others condemning her parenting skills...what side are you on?