PARENTING: Yes, Bribing Kids With Holiday Gifts is OKAY

One-quarter of parents of kids ages 3 to 5 admit they’ve threatened misbehaving kids with no Santa or gifts if they don’t shape up.

Many parents also reported threatening to leave a Christmas activity, taking away toys or denying dessert to get their kids to behave. Nearly half of parents polled have resorted to bribes to get better behavior from kids.

Unfortunately, these aren’t likely to be winning strategies.

Pediatrician Dr. Susan Woolford said, “Discipline helps young children learn what behaviors are safe and appropriate and can play a crucial role in helping them learn the difference between right and wrong. Empty threats, however, undermine trust and credibility and aren’t usually effective. Positive reinforcement and consistent discipline are more likely to shape long-term behavior.”

Many parents were not confident as to whether their discipline strategies actually work.

Three out of five said their strategies are somewhat effective, with only two in five saying they’re very effective.

Most parents said they get input on their discipline strategies from several sources, including the other parent, family or friends, and parenting books, articles or social media.