[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville
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[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville More Flooding around Jacksonville
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville Cole Heath
Trees down across Jax beach neighborhoods. This one missed the house and car it looks like.
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville Instagram: swintonjr "Downtown Jacksonville, Florida flooded. We safe tho #hurricaneirma #downtownjax #jacksonvillefl"
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville Jack Bobeck
4600 Shirley Avenue, Jax, FL 32210
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville on Twitter Feryl
All 4 ramps from Lane Ave to I-10 east and west are flowing rivers. @WOKVNews
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville Tweeted by Gerry Manacsa
Some street flooding on Riverplace Blvd, Southbank #Jax east of Main St. #irma #JAXwx
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville Tree through the roof in Amelia Island master bedroom. Sue and Glen in Amelia.
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville Southside Blvd Damage.
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville Tweeted by Jax Sheriff's
Tree took down power line on Tan Bark Rd in the Ortega area. #JSO #JAX #Irma
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville Christy Turner
Some branches snapped off a tree near Lake Isabella in Lake City.
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville Tweeted by: Nicole @GypsySoul____
op south
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville Joey Armistead On FB: Folkston ga my yard and road
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville On Twitter: Jeffrey Bezore
First time I ever made the green light at this intersection and... #hurricanehumor #hurricaneirma2017
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville Tweeted by James Jardine
Tree down during #HurricanIrma #Irma in Jacksonville. Fell around 00:48
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville Mandarin pall mall dr 32257
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville Tweeted by Ken Amaro
Tree fell over at Lane and Hyde Grove
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville Paige Kelton
#Irma Stinks!! Viewer says this is septic tank floating out of ground off San Jose Blvd near river. @ActionNewsJax
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville Tweeted by: Jax Sheriff's
12200 Mandarin Road - Two large oak trees. JFRD cut and toss team is on it! #JSO #HurricaneIrma #JAX
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville Tweet By Kikki Madison: this is our neighbor's dock...
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville Tweeted by Jax Sheriff's Office Seaboard Avenue on the Westside of #JAX. Evacuation ZONE A. #Irma #Jacksonville
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville Twitter post by @MayoNole
Large downed pine tree in JGCC off Hodges Blvd #Irma
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville Tweet by Jenna Bourne
These 3 pics are all the same uprooted tree on #Jax westside. @ActionNewsJax #firstalertwx #Irma
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville Tweeted by Jax Sheriff's Downed power lines and trees blocking the road at Hyde Grove and Lane on the Westside of #JAX. @CityofJax is on it. #Irma
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville Jenna Bourne Tweeted:
Tree crushed this shed on #Jax westside. Homeowner tells me it used to look like this white one next door @ActionNewsJax #Irma #firstalertwx
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville Tweeted by @DocWhelpley
"this is a palm bay tornado taking out 6 mobile homes... this is a serious strom."
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville Tweeted by Jax Sheriff's Downed power lines and trees blocking the road at Hyde Grove and Lane on the Westside of #JAX. @CityofJax is on it. #Irma
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville Tweeted by Kelly Long:
"First limb down in my neighborhood at the beach. Just west of Penman."
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville Tweeted by Tina Bracewell
Whiteys fish camp Clay county fl
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville On Twitter: Ragnar Danneskjöld
San Marco Boulevard
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville Raze @RazeTheOne
@WOKVNews Neighbor's house #HurricaneIrma
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville Facebook Dylan Austin
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville
Harbour Woods damage from Irma (Leonie Cummins)
Harbour Woods damage from Irma (Leonie Cummins)
Local storm damage from Hurricane Irma (Dylan T)
Local storm damage from Hurricane Irma (Dylan T)
Flooding in Riverside from Hurricane Irma (bulkhead1)
Flooding in Riverside from Hurricane Irma (bulkhead1)
Flooding in Riverside from Hurricane Irma (bulkhead1)
Flooding in Riverside from Hurricane Irma (bulkhead1)
Flooding in Mandarin
Downed tree near Atlantic Blvd and Jork Rd from Irma (Jill Mero)
Downed trees from Hurricane Irma (Eddie Hilliard)
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville
[Photos] Local Hurricane Irma Damage in Jacksonville
Downed tree on Lopez Road from Irma
Starke Flooding from Hurricane Irma (Tiffany Shrider)
Starke Flooding from Hurricane Irma (Tiffany Shrider)
Flooding in St. Johns River from Irma (Andrew Lawrence)